COMMISSION STATUS: OPENING IN MID-OCTOBERplease contact @eembulan on any social media platforms or email at [email protected] for more information.

pricesBust: 55 USD (75~ CAD)
Half Body: 75 USD (100~ CAD)
Full Body: 115 USD (155~ CAD)
+50 percent additional character. Up to three characters only. Prices may change due to complexity.


Will Draw

  • ocs

  • fanart

  • ship art (may deny if uncomfortable)

  • light gore and nudity

  • characters with animal characteristics

Won't Draw

  • furries*

  • mecha

  • complex backgrounds**

  • NSFW, extreme gore, etc.

while I only specified painting commissions for now, I can draw in any style you see in my portfolio. I retain the right to reject any commission request that makes me uncomfortable.*while I can attempt to draw furries, I'm not that experienced with drawing them, yet you may still inquire about it if you'd like**while I won't draw complex backgrounds all the time, you may ask about them and I may do it for a higher price

payment & refunds

  • once I accept your request, commissions are to be paid upfront via Paypal or Stripe.

  • I do not do refunds.

  • tipping is greatly appreciated! if you wish to tip, there's a section included in the Paypal invoice for you to do that, or you can tip after the artwork is completed through Ko-fi.

commission process

  • dm me on any social media platform or send an email ([email protected]). if you have sent a message and I have not yet replied, please email me.

  • I will review your request and I will let you know if I accept or decline via email or social media. please send references in your request. I may send a Google Form to you if I need more information.

  • I will send you a PayPal invoice and will start working on the commission after receiving the payment. you can also pay via Stripe (with card) I will send you an initial sketch for review. I will check in with you every step of the way before moving on.

  • after I have finished the drawing, I will send you the file via email (or another way if preferred). If you want any simple filters put on it for colour adjustments, let me know.

usage terms

  • commissions are for personal use, do not use commercially without discussion (including NFTs and AI). I do not allow my art to be used for AI in any way. however, if the commissioned artwork is altered in any way through machine learning or derived technologies, this will be considered an automatic purchase of exclusive rights and will be charged accordingly.

  • you may post anywhere with credit to @eembulan or B. Embong. if you do not want me to post your commission, please tell me in advance.

  • I retain the right to use any commissioned works in a portfolio.

  • failure to comply with rules will result in no future service.